    If you wish to access a record of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, please do so by completing the Right to Know Request form below.  The request must identify or describe the records sought with sufficient specificity.  The request must also include a name and address to which MBIT can address its response.  Written responses can be submitted in person during normal school hours or via the following methods:
    By mail:  Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
                  Attn: Open Records Officer
                  2740 York Road
                  Jamison, PA 18929
    Fax: 215-491-2697
    State Contact Information:
         Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
         Office of Open Records
         Commonwealth Keystone Building
         400 North Street, Plaza Level
         Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
         717-346-9903 (phone)
         717-425-5343 (fax)
    Open Records Links:

    Required Notices 

Last Modified on October 4, 2024