• Students may drive to MBIT during the first weeks of school. MBIT will hold a parking assembly for students that wish to drive daily to MBIT during the second week of school. Students will be given a parking permit application to be completed and signed by a parent and their sending school administrator (ie; principal/house principal/grade principal). All parking is on a first come, first served basis.




    With four sending school districts, there are occasions when Middle Bucks Institute of Technology is open on a day when your child's school district is closed.  On these days, the four sending districts have agreed to offer transportation for MBIT students.  However, each district addresses this differently.  To help facilitate questions surrounding transportation,  we are sharing the individual district transportation routes that we have.  Please click on the links below for your specific district plan.


    Centennial School District:            https://www.centennialsd.org/departments/transportation


    Central Bucks School District:            https://www.cbsd.org/domain/83


    Council Rock School District:              https://www.crsd.org/Page/53440


    AM – Students are picked up from their Home School and brought to MBIT – then taken back to home school (so student needs a ride to sending school and home from sending school)

    PM – Students are picked up from their Home School and brought to MBIT but on the return they are taken to their home bus stop. (Students would only need a ride to their sending school)



    New Hope-Solebury School District:   https://www.nhsd.org/Page/306 Contact 215-862-5910




    Temporary Driving Requests:  In addition, if your student does not normally drive to school, but needs to on days such as these, he/she may do so and are required to register his/her vehicle in the Student Intervention Center (SIC).