• Business & Information Technology Career Pathway


    Teacher: Kathrine Houghton

    CIP Code: 11.0801
  • Students enrolled in this program will participate in an exciting program of study exploring computers in internet-based technologies. This program is for students who want to learn about the current technology in web applications. Students will learn advanced skills in photo editing using Adobe Photoshop, animation using Adobe Animate, multimedia using Adobe Premiere, and web design editing using Adobe Dreamweaver. Adobe is the leading provider of state-of-the-art industry standard software. Students walk away from this program with an extensive portfolio of digital imagery, web imagery, and multimedia animations. In addition, students will have the opportunity to learn coding techniques and development using HTML and CSS. HTML is the language of the web and the foundation for building websites. Students also study programming languages and scripting languages to create dynamic web pages. Throughout the course, students create and design websites for a variety of clients in the community. Additional instruction includes: internet theory, web page standards and policies, elements of web page design, user interfaces, vector tools, special effects, interactive and multimedia components, search engines, navigation, morphing, gaming, e-commerce tools, and emerging web technology. This program provides an excellent foundation of technical knowledge for college and/or direct employment.


  • Web Career Wheel


    Adobe Certified Associate in Dreamweaver, Photoshop,  Animate, and Illustrator

    Microsoft Office Specialist in Word, PowerPoint, Access and Excel


    Bucks County Community College

    Penn College of Art and Design 

    Students Occupationally and Academically Ready (SOAR)

    National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS)



    Algebra 1

    Basic computer skills

    Read and interpret technical material at grade level