Commercial Art & Advertising Design
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- Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
- Program Letter & Required Documents
2024-2025 School Year
Dear Student and Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT), where student success is our first priority. You have made an excellent decision in selecting a career in Commercial Art/Advertising Design. We are here to assist you in achieving your goals by providing a supportive environment for high-quality education.
Listed below are the items each new student is required to purchase for the program.
Commercial Art uniform –The uniform can be purchased at starting August 1st
One ITOYA brand professional portfolio, 11”x17” 24 pages- LEVEL 100 STUDENTS ONLY (this will be reflected on your invoice that may be paid in the PowerSchool Information Registration System)
Student Activity Fee (paid in the PowerSchool Information Registration System)
Uniforms should be ordered no later than August 15th so students will have them for the first week of school. The student portfolio will be ordered through the invoice that you will pay via the PowerSchool Information Registration System by August 31, 2024. Students will receive their uniforms and portfolios in class.
During the first week of school all parents and students of the Commercial Art program will be expected to complete the necessary orientation paperwork and return it to MBIT. Please complete the necessary student information, emergency contact information and invoice payment via the PowerSchool Information Registration System by August 31, 2024. Students will not be permitted to participate in the art studio until all forms are completed.
This year students will participate in many diverse and exciting projects and activities that are oriented towards community service, nationally recognized certifications, art competitions, and articulations with post-secondary art schools.
Your success at MBIT is our success. I hope you are having a terrific summer, and I will see you on the first day of class at MBIT on September 3, 2024.
Bradley Rosenau
Commercial Art/Advertising Design Instructor