Engineering Related Technology
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- Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
- Program Letter & Required Documents
2024-2025 School Year
Dear Student and Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT), where student success is our first priority. You have made an excellent decision to select and to develop a career pathway in our Engineering Related Technology Program. We are here to assist you as you work to achieve your goals.
The Engineering Related Technology Program is an innovative, multifaceted program. This year the program will continue to increase our commitment to “hands-on” activities using electro-mechanical equipment and projects, which will allow the students to learn theory in our classroom while exploring the technology in the Lab. Teamwork, computer-based design, and creative projects will also, continue to be an important part of our program. These aspects combined with your commitment to the program will enable your son /daughter to enhance their personal development and to make them an asset to the engineering profession.
The following is a reminder for the first day of school:
All students should have
Pen & Pencil
¼” square block quadrille pad for sketching
Engineering Tools - see attached list
Engineering Journal (Amazon: 120-page Engineering Notebook, Green)
16 GB USB Drive
Student Activity fee paid via PowerSchool Information Registration System
Students will be issued a pair of safety glasses but are responsible for any glasses needed after the first pair.
Students will be issued a locker and a lock
All MBIT students are required to wear a uniform daily. If students do not have the required apparel, they will NOT be permitted to participate in the classroom activities, which will result in a zero on their daily assessment. Uniforms for the program can be purchased at beginning August 1st. The website will specify what is required and recommended for purchase. Uniforms should be ordered no later than August 15th so students will have them for the first week of school. Students will receive their uniform orders in their designated classroom.
Once you receive notification, please complete the necessary student information, emergency contact information and invoice payment via the PowerSchool Information Registration System by August 31, 2024. Students will not be permitted to participate in their labs until all forms are completed. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
We look forward to seeing you on September 3, 2024!
Ed Young
Engineering Related Technology Instructor