- Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
- Program Letter & Required Documents
2024-2025 School Year
Dear Parents and Students,
In a few short weeks, summer vacation will be ending, and the new school year will be beginning. This year promises to be exciting and rewarding for students. It is our goal that each student is prepared to fully participate in the program beginning the first day of school. Please review and complete the following documents to ensure that the proper forms are completed and returned by the first day of school. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call 215-343-2480 and speak with someone in the front office. If you need a question answered specific to the program, the request will be forwarded to me, and I will return your call as soon as possible.
The Early Childhood Education (ECE) program is career-oriented and as such follows industry standards. Specific requirements are mandated by the Department of Human Services to maintain compliance for the licensing of our childcare center. ECE students are required to meet the requirements of the state. The specific requirements of DHS are the FBI Fingerprinting, Child Abuse, Criminal Check, NSOR, Health Assessment or school physical (must be current within the year), copy of insurance card, TB Test, Hepatitis B vaccination form, disclaimer and two letters of recommendation. Students must submit all clearances by August 28, 2024. If you are unable to access a computer to complete clearances online, please contact me via email at thaney@mbit.org or through the main office and I will provide assistance. Failure to meet these standards will result in students not being able to participate in the program.
Below is a list of items that your son/daughter will need as a student in the Early Childhood Education Program before or on the first day of school:
_______ A. Resume form is to be completed. (first year only).
_______ B. Two Early Childhood Education Reference Forms - first year only
Preferably completed by people with experience related to children.
People completing and signing the forms must be: Over the age of 21; not a family
member; and should have known you for at least one year. They can be a teacher,
neighbor, or guidance counselor.
Reference forms are to be completed and mailed to MBIT by the person completing
them - they are confidential – students should not see them.
_______ C. Child Care Staff Health Appraisal - (first and third year students)
Tuberculosis (TB) test required (first year students only)- this is a requirement of DHS for anyone volunteering in childcare. Doctor’s often say schools cannot require this. This is true, however, the TB test is required for child care.
The required physical MUST include having your physician fill out and sign the enclosed form. Mail or bring the completed form, signed by your doctor, to MBIT.
_______ D. Hepatitis B Vaccination Form
_______ E. Disclosure Statement
_______ F. Child Abuse Clearance-free for volunteers (first year students only)
A completed “ChildLine and Abuse Registry History Clearance” MUST be obtained by new students only through https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home. This will take up to two weeks to process and must be turned in by the first day of school.
When your Clearance arrives at your home, mail a copy of it to MBIT. If you do not have access to a copier, you may bring it to MBIT on the first day of school and a copy will be made for you.
_______ G. PA Criminal Check Clearance-free for volunteers (first year students only)
The “Act 34 Criminal Background Check” MUST be obtained by new students. Complete the clearance yourself online https://epatch.pa.gov, strictly following the enclosed instructions and mail or bring the certificate to MBIT the first day of school.
_______ H. National Sex Offender Registry Verification- free (first year students only)
Complete the verification by following the directions provided on the application. https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Resources/Documents/NSOR%20Verification%20Application%20%E2%80%94%20English.pdf
_______ I. IdentoGo FBI Fingerprint Clearance -Fee $ (first year students only)
Apply as an employee - code 1KG738- https://uenroll.identogo.com/
_______ J. Identification Requirements for Minor Fingerprinting Applicants
_______ K. Check for any fees due if not paid over summer (Powerschool Parent Portal)
_______ L. Required Supplies (see enclosed list)
_______ M. Copy of insurance card
Students are required to wear lab coats at all times when in the lab and theory room (these will be ordered the first week of school). Non-skid shoes with no heels and appropriate clothing are required each day. Students are expected to dress in a manner that is professional for a child care center. Students who are not dressed for a professional child care environment will be removed from the classroom and center for the day.
Please go to the Powerschool parent portal and complete necessary information, emergency forms and invoice payment. Please submit all clearances, health assessment, and two letters of recommendation in the addressed envelope provided by August 28, 2024. Students will not be permitted to participate in the labs until all forms are completed. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
We are looking forward to meeting your child. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone at 215-343-2480 ext. 212 or thaney@mbit.org.
Tina Haney
Early Childhood Education Teacher
LEVEL 200/300
2024-2025 School Year
Dear Students and Families:
It is hard to believe how quickly the summer is passing by and soon we will all be back in school together. Every year there is some confusion as to what students who are returning need. The Department of Human Services requires us to keep a file on each student. Enclosed you will find a DHS health assessment for students who Health Assessments need to be updated. Health Assessments must be completed every 2 years. The TB test does not need to be repeated. Returning students do not need to reapply for Criminal Checks, Fingerprinting or Child Abuse Checks. Should you have any questions please feel free to call me at 215-343-2480 and leave a message to be forwarded to me.
As is our policy, students are always required to wear lab coats when in the lab and theory room. Please make sure your child comes prepared on the first day of school. Non-skid closed toed shoes with no heels and appropriate clothing is required each day including long pants. Students are privileged to have an onsite business to earn their practical hours and are expected to dress and behave in a manner that is professional for a child care center when in both the laboratory and ECE classroom. Jewelry is not permitted in the theory class or laboratory as it poses potential safety risks for both student teachers and Li’l Bucks children. Students must have fingernails which are appropriate for child care and do not pose risks to our children. The nail should be no longer than the nail from the nailbed to the tip of the finger. No sharp tipped ends.
I have reviewed with individual students if they require a new health assessment. Most 300 Level students will require a new health assessment. I sent home prior to the end of the 2023-2024 school year a request for all 11th grade students to secure an updated physical since they are required to have one for their sending schools. If you are a 12th grader, updated health assessments are extremely important. Students will not be allowed to work in any capacity in the center if their health assessment expires.
Please complete the necessary emergency contact info, health history, media, and internet permission, etc. and invoice payment via Powerschool parent portal by August 31, 2024. Students will not be permitted to participate in their labs until all forms are completed. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
Your children are an amazing group of people who deliver the best quality care to Li’l Bucks Partners in Learning children. Their contribution to our child care center, helps deliver to families high quality care and education. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone at 215-343-2480 ext. 212 or thaney@mbit.org.
Tina Haney